R U OK? Day, a reminder that a simple question can make a world of difference, checking in on one another, especially during tough times – is so important.
In the world of social media, where everything can seem picture-perfect, let’s remember that behind those screens are real people with real feelings. Reach out to someone today, ask them how they’re really doing, and listen without judgment.
Your genuine care and support can brighten someone’s day and, in some cases, even save a life. In support of a positive mindset and nurturing strong self-esteem in our teams we actively practise and encourage our people to ‘get out there and find someone doing something good’ – and once they have – we encourage them to share their thoughts.
Small words of genuine support and encouragement can last a lifetime and help your work colleagues see the sunshine peeking through the clouds! So, when you catch someone doing something good today, don’t let those good thoughts stay in your head.
Share them and let’s potentially help keep the #ruokday conversations short and sweet! Remember, it’s okay not to be okay, and it’s okay to ask for help too. Let’s make every day R U OK? Day. 💙