Vocational Course
Professional Development Course

Diploma of Justice Studies (PDC)

Justice Your Career!

Course ID



18 months




Professional development course for organisations and individuals

Why Choose the Virtual Diploma of Justice Studies Course for Organisations and Individuals?

The world of justice is dynamic and impactful. Our Diploma of Justice Studies can help elevate a career trajectory or forge a new path. This comprehensive virtual course provides individuals with the knowledge, skills, and critical thinking abilities necessary to excel in a variety of roles in legal and law enforcement fields.

Whether learners are established professionals seeking to broaden their skills, career changers seeking a meaningful shift, or employers looking to enrol staff in an upskilling and reskilling course, the Diploma of Justice Studies course is an invaluable stepping stone.

Benefits for Individuals:

  • Gain in-demand justice-related skills and knowledge.
  • Increase earning potential and job prospects.
  • Enhance career mobility and advancement opportunities.
  • Build a strong foundation in justice principles that will benefit most professional areas.

Benefits for Organisations:

  • Invest in the development of employees and boost morale and productivity.
  • Stay ahead of the curve and ensure the workforce has the skills and knowledge needed to succeed in the future.
  • Reduce turnover and recruitment costs.
  • Create a more competitive and innovative organisation.

What is the Diploma of Justice Studies Course?

The Diploma of Justice Studies is a comprehensive course that immerses learners in the practical realities of the justice system. The curriculum covers legalisation, legal and litigation frameworks, ethics and social justice principles, investigation techniques, evidence law, and more. Through our engaging and interactive online platform, learners can gain communication, research, analysis and problem-solving skills essential for success in this dynamic field of justice.


  • A comprehensive curriculum that covers crucial justice topics.
  • Interactive activities and real-world case studies that facilitate practical learning.
  • A flexible and convenient virtual learning environment.
  • A nationally recognised level 5 qualification.
  • A pathway to further education in justice.

Our digital education platform is thoughtfully crafted to facilitate convenient and flexible learning. Our learners have the freedom to learn at their own pace, at their preferred time and location.

Course Overview

The Diploma of Justice Studies course is a comprehensive virtual learning experience tailored for individuals and organisations. It provides a solid understanding of fundamental justice concepts and practices.

  • Qualification code: 10972NAT
  • Qualification name: Diploma of Justice Studies
  • Nationally recognised qualification: Yes
  • Duration: 18 months


  • Self-paced blended delivery schedule

Units of competency: 14

  • 8 core units +
  • 6 electives

10972NAT Diploma of Justice Studies consists of eight (8) core units and six (6) electives.


  • BSBLEG421 – Apply understanding of the Australian legal system
  • BSBXCM401 – Apply communication strategies in the workplace
  • PSPREG039 – Gather information through interviews
  • PSPETH008 – Promote the values and ethos of public service
  • NAT10972001 – Analyse and apply criminal law
  • BSBLEG524 – Apply principles of evidence law in matters under litigation
  • NAT10971003 – Analyse social justice issues
  • NAT10972002 – Analyse crime and victimology issues


  • PSPREG010 – Prepare a brief of evidence
  • NAT10971002 – Prepare documentation for court proceedings
  • NAT10971001 – Provide information and referral advice on justice related issues
  • PSPCRT011 – Provide court support to Indigenous clients
  • PSPINV003 – Finalise an investigation
  • PSPINV004 – Conduct an investigation
$ 4,999
  • Convenient payment plans are offered to allow individuals and organisations to manage expenses while investing in their future, starting from as little as $209 a week over a 6 month period.
  • Professional Development course cost = $4,999
  • International cost = $10,000

To enrol in the Diploma of Justice Studies course, applicants must be at least 16 years old, complete a Language, Literacy, and Numeracy Assessment, and have adequate English proficiency with an Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) of 4 or higher. While industry experience is not necessary, it is recommended. Additionally, learners need minimum computer literacy, Microsoft Office 365 access, and unrestricted internet access. They should also be able to record assessments and provide a Unique Student Identifier (USI) at enrolment. The Student Handbook provides full details on entry requirements.

Our virtual classroom provides both individuals and organisations with a convenient and flexible way to upskill and reskill. Through our online learning platform, learners can readily access course materials, engage in discussions, and collaborate with peers.

The course offers several intakes throughout the year, providing learners with the convenience of commencing their studies at a time that aligns with their schedules. To view the current intakes, click on ‘Enrol Now’.

Work Outcomes

Upskilling and reskilling can lead to a number of positive work outcomes for both individuals and organisations. By investing in the development of their skills and knowledge, individuals can improve their earning potential, job prospects, and career mobility. Organisations can benefit from increased productivity and profitability, improved employee morale and retention, and enhanced innovation and competitiveness.

For individuals:

  • Increased earning potential.
  • Improved job prospects.
  • Enhanced career mobility and advancement opportunities.
  • Greater job satisfaction and engagement.
  • Reduced risk of job displacement.

For organisations:

  • Increased productivity and profitability.
  • Improved employee morale and retention.
  • Reduced recruitment and training costs.
  • Enhanced innovation and competitiveness.

Here are some specific examples of work outcomes that have been linked to upskilling and reskilling:

  • According to a study by the McKinsey Global Institute, upskilled or reskilled workers earn an average of 10% more than their counterparts.
  • A LinkedIn survey discovered that 92% of professionals believe that upskilling is crucial for career growth.
  • A report by the World Economic Forum predicts that by 2025, 50% of all employees will need to upskill or reskill to meet the changing demands of the workplace.
  • A study by IBM found that organisations that invest in upskilling and reskilling their employees have a 17% higher return on assets than those that do not.

In addition to the work outcomes listed above, upskilling and reskilling can also lead to:

  • Increased job security.
  • Greater opportunities for professional development.
  • Improved work-life balance.
  • Increased sense of accomplishment and personal growth.

Further Learning Pathways

The Diploma of Justice Studies course is a great option for individuals looking to expand their knowledge of business and achieve their academic pursuits. This course serves as a solid foundation for learners to pursue further education, including diploma courses and other relevant qualifications. Upon completion, graduates will be equipped with the necessary skills to confidently proceed to the next stage of their academic journey.

We acknowledge that learners may possess prior knowledge and abilities that align with the course curriculum, particularly those seeking to enhance their skills while already working in the industry. Our Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) procedure enables individuals to obtain credit for these competencies, which may reduce the course duration.

How to Enrol?

Enrolling in the Diploma of Justice Studies course is a seamless process. To commence, visit the ‘Enrol Now’ link to access our online enrolment form. From there, our Enrolment team can assist with the required steps.

Before applying, learners will need the following:

  • A photo of a Green Medicare Card, Passport or Birth Certificate (in colour).
  • USI number – please visit www.usi.gov.au to look up or create a USI number.

Frequently Asked Questions

Definitely! The Diploma of Justice Studies is a comprehensive course that provides individuals and organisations with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the dynamic justice industry.

Australia has implemented various levels of certification to standardise qualifications throughout the country. Certificates I and II provide fundamental vocational skills and knowledge required for mainly routine work.

Certificates III and IV offer more advanced skills and knowledge. As previously discussed, Certificate III enables individuals to undertake skilled work, while Certificate IV permits the pursuit of specialised knowledge and skills within specific contexts.

Moreover, a Diploma is a level 5 qualification allowing individuals to undertake advanced skilled work, covering integrated technical and theoretical concepts across a broad range of contexts. It’s worth noting that this qualification can be credited towards university studies, with universities generally equating Certificate IV to six (6) to twelve (12) months of a Bachelor’s Degree.

The hierarchy of qualifications is as follows:

  • Level 6 – Advanced diploma or associate degree
  • Level 7 – Bachelor’s degree
  • Level 8 – Bachelor honours degree, graduate certificate, or graduate diploma
  • Level 9 – Masters degree
  • Level 10 – Doctoral degree

The course is evaluated using a blend of knowledge-based questions, hands-on case studies, and practical activities. It’s worth noting that conventional exams are not a part of the assessment process.

Upon successful completion of the course, learners will receive a nationally recognised Diploma of Justice Studies. If the course is partially completed, a Statement of Attainment will be granted for the satisfactory completion of individual units of competency.

Our dedicated team is available to assist learners throughout their learning journey, providing technical and academic support.

Our online learning platform emphasises the significance of collaboration and interaction, ultimately cultivating a vibrant and inclusive community of learners.

Enrol Now!

Join the ranks of those making a difference in the justice system. Take the first step towards a fulfilling and impactful career by enrolling in the Diploma of Justice Studies today. Contact us to learn more about how this program can empower you to achieve your justice sector ambitions. Empower your future. Enrol now and build your legacy in justice.

Download Brochure

Diploma of Justice Studies (PDC)

Upcoming Courses

Advanced Diploma of Business


Business Planning SEA Program


Certificate II in Hospitality ECJ - AO


Certificate II in Hospitality RSA/FSA


Certificate II in Hospitality - Short Course RSA/RGS


Certificate II in Retail Services


Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways


Certificate II in Skills for Work and Vocational Pathways KTTC - 2024


Certificate II in Workplace Skills In School


Certificate II in Workplace Skills KTTC


Certificate III in Business 2 Points


Certificate III in Business Assessment Only


Certificate III in Business In School 2024


Certificate III in Entrepreneurship and New Business 2024


Certificate III in Entrepreneurship and New Business SEA - 2024


Certificate III in Hospitality MMCP 2024


Certificate III in Hospitality AO MYM


Certificate III in Hospitality FLCR - AO


Certificate III in Hospitality SAAC - AO


Certificate III in Information Technology 2024


Certificate III in Screen and Media Face to Face - 2024


Certificate III in Screen and Media Virtual - 2024


Certificate III in Screen and Media Assessment Only - 2024


Certificate III Screen and Media ISHS


Certificate IV in Entrepreneurship and New Business SEA 2024


Certificate IV in Justice Studies In School & Virtual - 2024


Certificate IV in Leadership and Management Industry - Virtual


Coach others in job skills


Coaching and 1/4 Reporting SEA Program


Contribute to organisational mental health response in the context of disruptive events


Diploma of Business Assessment Only


Diploma of Business Industry Trainees - Virtual


Student Assessment Information 
Please read prior to undertaking assessment activities. 
Competency Based Assessment 
Competency based assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgments about whether competency has been achieved and can be demonstrated, including both skills and knowledge, to confirm whether an individual can perform to the standards expected in the workplace and by industry. 
Competency based assessment does not use a marking scale rather the student is deemed competent or not competent in a unit of competency. Satisfactory demonstration of all activities is required before competency is achieved for the unit. Students deemed not competent are given additional opportunities to demonstrate competency.
Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your own, including unit resources such as PowerPoints and Study Guides.
This also includes the use of Generative AI (GAI) tools such as ChatGPT. You may use GAI tools as a research source but may not use the output in any part of your assessment response unless it has been explicitly required in your assessment task.  It is also strongly recommended that any information sourced from GAI tools is fact checked with a known and trusted source.
Copying the work of another person, entity or tool and submitting it as your own, knowing that it has been copied, is a form of plagiarism. Should this occur, you will be required to re-sit the complete assessment. 
To support our Academic Integrity, we have integrated Turnitin into our assessment system. It will identify where you have sourced information so using your own words along with accurate referencing is very important.
Referencing – Certificate IV and Diploma only
We have an expectation for you to use the APA 7 Referencing Style. For more information refer to the Griffith University website or the University of Queensland website.
You must supply references to all material and resources you have used in your answers, including websites, books, articles, magazines and newspapers.
Example One: The Study Guide accessed via your assessment is referenced as a book -electronic.
Prestige Service Training (2022). Make Presentations
The year can be found in the footer of the study guide, is it the last two digits of the version number.
As Prestige Service Training is also the publisher of this resource the name is not repeated in the reference.
Example Two: The Bounce Fitness Business Plan accessed as a direct link from your assessment is also referenced as a book – electronic.
Bounce Fitness Bounce Fitness Business Plan.
Note that neither of the above examples include URLs as they both require logins to access them. 
Also note that the above references are general references, you will be required to  intext reference if you paraphrase or quote from these sources. Refer to the Griffith University website or the University of Queensland website for further examples of APA7 referencing.
Generate AI Tools (ChatGPT)
Any use of generative artificial intelligence tools must be referenced as with any other source.
  • Describe how you have used the AI tool in your work.
  • Include an in-text citation and a reference list entry for the AI tool used.
  • Do not include the publisher if this is the same as the author.
  • Use the home page of the software for the URL source.
  • Use the format or description field to describe the type of software/model. The APA style blog recommends "Large language model" for ChatGPT. See the APA style blog for more information.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of software (Version Number) [Format or Description]. Publisher. https://xxxx
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com/chat
 Notes Regarding the Assessment  
·       Each Assessment Activity requiring the student and/or assessor/observer signature must be signed.
·       Students are required to clearly indicate which assessment section or question is being addressed.
·       If a student’s first assessment attempt is Not Yet Satisfactory, a maximum of two additional attempts (opportunities) will be provided.
·       After the initial and additional attempts, if the candidate is deemed Not Satisfactory, they will be required to re-enroll in the unit and must re-sit the assessment.
You will be given feedback on all assessment activities within 14 days of us receiving the completed assessment item.
Alternative Assessment and Adjustments to Assessment Activities (industry Only)
If you are unable to complete a particular activity, or you have a suggestion of a relevant workplace activity that would meet the requirements of this/these unit/s, we encourage you to discuss this with your trainer and assessor. 
Students are required to provide typed in-depth answers to the following questions using this template.  All answers need to cover the key points.  In the event that the candidate does not cover all of the key points, further information will need to be sought from the candidate. If you satisfactorily answer each question, your assessor will tick/highlight the satisfactory (S) box.  
For any responses that are not yet satisfactory, your service facilitator will give you written feedback and explain why the particular question or questions were deemed unsatisfactory and arrange an opportunity for re-assessment at a suitable time. 
Do not cheat or plagiarise the work of others.  Anyone caught cheating will automatically be marked Not Yet Competent for this unit.  There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule. Remember to reference your work and complete your reference list at the end of the assessment.

Diploma of Business BEN - 2024


Student Assessment Information 
Please read prior to undertaking assessment activities. 
Competency Based Assessment 
Competency based assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgments about whether competency has been achieved and can be demonstrated, including both skills and knowledge, to confirm whether an individual can perform to the standards expected in the workplace and by industry. 
Competency based assessment does not use a marking scale rather the student is deemed competent or not competent in a unit of competency. Satisfactory demonstration of all activities is required before competency is achieved for the unit. Students deemed not competent are given additional opportunities to demonstrate competency.
Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your own, including unit resources such as PowerPoints and Study Guides.
This also includes the use of Generative AI (GAI) tools such as ChatGPT. You may use GAI tools as a research source but may not use the output in any part of your assessment response unless it has been explicitly required in your assessment task.  It is also strongly recommended that any information sourced from GAI tools is fact checked with a known and trusted source.
Copying the work of another person, entity or tool and submitting it as your own, knowing that it has been copied, is a form of plagiarism. Should this occur, you will be required to re-sit the complete assessment. 
To support our Academic Integrity, we have integrated Turnitin into our assessment system. It will identify where you have sourced information so using your own words along with accurate referencing is very important.
Referencing – Certificate IV and Diploma only
We have an expectation for you to use the APA 7 Referencing Style. For more information refer to the Griffith University website or the University of Queensland website.
You must supply references to all material and resources you have used in your answers, including websites, books, articles, magazines and newspapers.
Example One: The Study Guide accessed via your assessment is referenced as a book -electronic.
Prestige Service Training (2022). Make Presentations
The year can be found in the footer of the study guide, is it the last two digits of the version number.
As Prestige Service Training is also the publisher of this resource the name is not repeated in the reference.
Example Two: The Bounce Fitness Business Plan accessed as a direct link from your assessment is also referenced as a book – electronic.
Bounce Fitness Bounce Fitness Business Plan.
Note that neither of the above examples include URLs as they both require logins to access them. 
Also note that the above references are general references, you will be required to  intext reference if you paraphrase or quote from these sources. Refer to the Griffith University website or the University of Queensland website for further examples of APA7 referencing.
Generate AI Tools (ChatGPT)
Any use of generative artificial intelligence tools must be referenced as with any other source.
  • Describe how you have used the AI tool in your work.
  • Include an in-text citation and a reference list entry for the AI tool used.
  • Do not include the publisher if this is the same as the author.
  • Use the home page of the software for the URL source.
  • Use the format or description field to describe the type of software/model. The APA style blog recommends "Large language model" for ChatGPT. See the APA style blog for more information.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of software (Version Number) [Format or Description]. Publisher. https://xxxx
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com/chat
 Notes Regarding the Assessment  
·       Each Assessment Activity requiring the student and/or assessor/observer signature must be signed.
·       Students are required to clearly indicate which assessment section or question is being addressed.
·       If a student’s first assessment attempt is Not Yet Satisfactory, a maximum of two additional attempts (opportunities) will be provided.
·       After the initial and additional attempts, if the candidate is deemed Not Satisfactory, they will be required to re-enroll in the unit and must re-sit the assessment.
You will be given feedback on all assessment activities within 14 days of us receiving the completed assessment item.
Alternative Assessment and Adjustments to Assessment Activities (industry Only)
If you are unable to complete a particular activity, or you have a suggestion of a relevant workplace activity that would meet the requirements of this/these unit/s, we encourage you to discuss this with your trainer and assessor. 
Students are required to provide typed in-depth answers to the following questions using this template.  All answers need to cover the key points.  In the event that the candidate does not cover all of the key points, further information will need to be sought from the candidate. If you satisfactorily answer each question, your assessor will tick/highlight the satisfactory (S) box.  
For any responses that are not yet satisfactory, your service facilitator will give you written feedback and explain why the particular question or questions were deemed unsatisfactory and arrange an opportunity for re-assessment at a suitable time. 
Do not cheat or plagiarise the work of others.  Anyone caught cheating will automatically be marked Not Yet Competent for this unit.  There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule. Remember to reference your work and complete your reference list at the end of the assessment.

Diploma of Business In School - 2024


Student Assessment Information 
Please read prior to undertaking assessment activities. 
Competency Based Assessment 
Competency based assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgments about whether competency has been achieved and can be demonstrated, including both skills and knowledge, to confirm whether an individual can perform to the standards expected in the workplace and by industry. 
Competency based assessment does not use a marking scale rather the student is deemed competent or not competent in a unit of competency. Satisfactory demonstration of all activities is required before competency is achieved for the unit. Students deemed not competent are given additional opportunities to demonstrate competency.
Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your own, including unit resources such as PowerPoints and Study Guides.
This also includes the use of Generative AI (GAI) tools such as ChatGPT. You may use GAI tools as a research source but may not use the output in any part of your assessment response unless it has been explicitly required in your assessment task.  It is also strongly recommended that any information sourced from GAI tools is fact checked with a known and trusted source.
Copying the work of another person, entity or tool and submitting it as your own, knowing that it has been copied, is a form of plagiarism. Should this occur, you will be required to re-sit the complete assessment. 
To support our Academic Integrity, we have integrated Turnitin into our assessment system. It will identify where you have sourced information so using your own words along with accurate referencing is very important.
Referencing – Certificate IV and Diploma only
We have an expectation for you to use the APA 7 Referencing Style. For more information refer to the Griffith University website or the University of Queensland website.
You must supply references to all material and resources you have used in your answers, including websites, books, articles, magazines and newspapers.
Example One: The Study Guide accessed via your assessment is referenced as a book -electronic.
Prestige Service Training (2022). Make Presentations
The year can be found in the footer of the study guide, is it the last two digits of the version number.
As Prestige Service Training is also the publisher of this resource the name is not repeated in the reference.
Example Two: The Bounce Fitness Business Plan accessed as a direct link from your assessment is also referenced as a book – electronic.
Bounce Fitness Bounce Fitness Business Plan.
Note that neither of the above examples include URLs as they both require logins to access them. 
Also note that the above references are general references, you will be required to  intext reference if you paraphrase or quote from these sources. Refer to the Griffith University website or the University of Queensland website for further examples of APA7 referencing.
Generate AI Tools (ChatGPT)
Any use of generative artificial intelligence tools must be referenced as with any other source.
  • Describe how you have used the AI tool in your work.
  • Include an in-text citation and a reference list entry for the AI tool used.
  • Do not include the publisher if this is the same as the author.
  • Use the home page of the software for the URL source.
  • Use the format or description field to describe the type of software/model. The APA style blog recommends "Large language model" for ChatGPT. See the APA style blog for more information.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of software (Version Number) [Format or Description]. Publisher. https://xxxx
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com/chat
 Notes Regarding the Assessment  
·       Each Assessment Activity requiring the student and/or assessor/observer signature must be signed.
·       Students are required to clearly indicate which assessment section or question is being addressed.
·       If a student’s first assessment attempt is Not Yet Satisfactory, a maximum of two additional attempts (opportunities) will be provided.
·       After the initial and additional attempts, if the candidate is deemed Not Satisfactory, they will be required to re-enroll in the unit and must re-sit the assessment.
You will be given feedback on all assessment activities within 14 days of us receiving the completed assessment item.
Alternative Assessment and Adjustments to Assessment Activities (industry Only)
If you are unable to complete a particular activity, or you have a suggestion of a relevant workplace activity that would meet the requirements of this/these unit/s, we encourage you to discuss this with your trainer and assessor. 
Students are required to provide typed in-depth answers to the following questions using this template.  All answers need to cover the key points.  In the event that the candidate does not cover all of the key points, further information will need to be sought from the candidate. If you satisfactorily answer each question, your assessor will tick/highlight the satisfactory (S) box.  
For any responses that are not yet satisfactory, your service facilitator will give you written feedback and explain why the particular question or questions were deemed unsatisfactory and arrange an opportunity for re-assessment at a suitable time. 
Do not cheat or plagiarise the work of others.  Anyone caught cheating will automatically be marked Not Yet Competent for this unit.  There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule. Remember to reference your work and complete your reference list at the end of the assessment.

Diploma of Business Cluster Version 2


Student Assessment Information 
Please read prior to undertaking assessment activities. 
Competency Based Assessment 
Competency based assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgments about whether competency has been achieved and can be demonstrated, including both skills and knowledge, to confirm whether an individual can perform to the standards expected in the workplace and by industry. 
Competency based assessment does not use a marking scale rather the student is deemed competent or not competent in a unit of competency. Satisfactory demonstration of all activities is required before competency is achieved for the unit. Students deemed not competent are given additional opportunities to demonstrate competency.
Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your own, including unit resources such as PowerPoints and Study Guides.
This also includes the use of Generative AI (GAI) tools such as ChatGPT. You may use GAI tools as a research source but may not use the output in any part of your assessment response unless it has been explicitly required in your assessment task.  It is also strongly recommended that any information sourced from GAI tools is fact checked with a known and trusted source.
Copying the work of another person, entity or tool and submitting it as your own, knowing that it has been copied, is a form of plagiarism. Should this occur, you will be required to re-sit the complete assessment. 
To support our Academic Integrity, we have integrated Turnitin into our assessment system. It will identify where you have sourced information so using your own words along with accurate referencing is very important.
Referencing – Certificate IV and Diploma only
We have an expectation for you to use the APA 7 Referencing Style. For more information refer to the Griffith University website or the University of Queensland website.
You must supply references to all material and resources you have used in your answers, including websites, books, articles, magazines and newspapers.
Example One: The Study Guide accessed via your assessment is referenced as a book -electronic.
Prestige Service Training (2022). Make Presentations
The year can be found in the footer of the study guide, is it the last two digits of the version number.
As Prestige Service Training is also the publisher of this resource the name is not repeated in the reference.
Example Two: The Bounce Fitness Business Plan accessed as a direct link from your assessment is also referenced as a book – electronic.
Bounce Fitness Bounce Fitness Business Plan.
Note that neither of the above examples include URLs as they both require logins to access them. 
Also note that the above references are general references, you will be required to  intext reference if you paraphrase or quote from these sources. Refer to the Griffith University website or the University of Queensland website for further examples of APA7 referencing.
Generate AI Tools (ChatGPT)
Any use of generative artificial intelligence tools must be referenced as with any other source.
  • Describe how you have used the AI tool in your work.
  • Include an in-text citation and a reference list entry for the AI tool used.
  • Do not include the publisher if this is the same as the author.
  • Use the home page of the software for the URL source.
  • Use the format or description field to describe the type of software/model. The APA style blog recommends "Large language model" for ChatGPT. See the APA style blog for more information.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of software (Version Number) [Format or Description]. Publisher. https://xxxx
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com/chat
 Notes Regarding the Assessment  
·       Each Assessment Activity requiring the student and/or assessor/observer signature must be signed.
·       Students are required to clearly indicate which assessment section or question is being addressed.
·       If a student’s first assessment attempt is Not Yet Satisfactory, a maximum of two additional attempts (opportunities) will be provided.
·       After the initial and additional attempts, if the candidate is deemed Not Satisfactory, they will be required to re-enroll in the unit and must re-sit the assessment.
You will be given feedback on all assessment activities within 14 days of us receiving the completed assessment item.
Alternative Assessment and Adjustments to Assessment Activities (industry Only)
If you are unable to complete a particular activity, or you have a suggestion of a relevant workplace activity that would meet the requirements of this/these unit/s, we encourage you to discuss this with your trainer and assessor. 
Students are required to provide typed in-depth answers to the following questions using this template.  All answers need to cover the key points.  In the event that the candidate does not cover all of the key points, further information will need to be sought from the candidate. If you satisfactorily answer each question, your assessor will tick/highlight the satisfactory (S) box.  
For any responses that are not yet satisfactory, your service facilitator will give you written feedback and explain why the particular question or questions were deemed unsatisfactory and arrange an opportunity for re-assessment at a suitable time. 
Do not cheat or plagiarise the work of others.  Anyone caught cheating will automatically be marked Not Yet Competent for this unit.  There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule. Remember to reference your work and complete your reference list at the end of the assessment.

Diploma of Business Cluster AO


Student Assessment Information 
Please read prior to undertaking assessment activities. 
Competency Based Assessment 
Competency based assessment is the process of collecting evidence and making judgments about whether competency has been achieved and can be demonstrated, including both skills and knowledge, to confirm whether an individual can perform to the standards expected in the workplace and by industry. 
Competency based assessment does not use a marking scale rather the student is deemed competent or not competent in a unit of competency. Satisfactory demonstration of all activities is required before competency is achieved for the unit. Students deemed not competent are given additional opportunities to demonstrate competency.
Plagiarism is taking and using someone else's thoughts, writings or inventions and representing them as your own, including unit resources such as PowerPoints and Study Guides.
This also includes the use of Generative AI (GAI) tools such as ChatGPT. You may use GAI tools as a research source but may not use the output in any part of your assessment response unless it has been explicitly required in your assessment task.  It is also strongly recommended that any information sourced from GAI tools is fact checked with a known and trusted source.
Copying the work of another person, entity or tool and submitting it as your own, knowing that it has been copied, is a form of plagiarism. Should this occur, you will be required to re-sit the complete assessment. 
To support our Academic Integrity, we have integrated Turnitin into our assessment system. It will identify where you have sourced information so using your own words along with accurate referencing is very important.
Referencing – Certificate IV and Diploma only
We have an expectation for you to use the APA 7 Referencing Style. For more information refer to the Griffith University website or the University of Queensland website.
You must supply references to all material and resources you have used in your answers, including websites, books, articles, magazines and newspapers.
Example One: The Study Guide accessed via your assessment is referenced as a book -electronic.
Prestige Service Training (2022). Make Presentations
The year can be found in the footer of the study guide, is it the last two digits of the version number.
As Prestige Service Training is also the publisher of this resource the name is not repeated in the reference.
Example Two: The Bounce Fitness Business Plan accessed as a direct link from your assessment is also referenced as a book – electronic.
Bounce Fitness Bounce Fitness Business Plan.
Note that neither of the above examples include URLs as they both require logins to access them. 
Also note that the above references are general references, you will be required to  intext reference if you paraphrase or quote from these sources. Refer to the Griffith University website or the University of Queensland website for further examples of APA7 referencing.
Generate AI Tools (ChatGPT)
Any use of generative artificial intelligence tools must be referenced as with any other source.
  • Describe how you have used the AI tool in your work.
  • Include an in-text citation and a reference list entry for the AI tool used.
  • Do not include the publisher if this is the same as the author.
  • Use the home page of the software for the URL source.
  • Use the format or description field to describe the type of software/model. The APA style blog recommends "Large language model" for ChatGPT. See the APA style blog for more information.
Author, A. A. (Year). Title of software (Version Number) [Format or Description]. Publisher. https://xxxx
OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (Mar 14 version) [Large language model]. https://chat.openai.com/chat
 Notes Regarding the Assessment  
·       Each Assessment Activity requiring the student and/or assessor/observer signature must be signed.
·       Students are required to clearly indicate which assessment section or question is being addressed.
·       If a student’s first assessment attempt is Not Yet Satisfactory, a maximum of two additional attempts (opportunities) will be provided.
·       After the initial and additional attempts, if the candidate is deemed Not Satisfactory, they will be required to re-enroll in the unit and must re-sit the assessment.
You will be given feedback on all assessment activities within 14 days of us receiving the completed assessment item.
Alternative Assessment and Adjustments to Assessment Activities (industry Only)
If you are unable to complete a particular activity, or you have a suggestion of a relevant workplace activity that would meet the requirements of this/these unit/s, we encourage you to discuss this with your trainer and assessor. 
Students are required to provide typed in-depth answers to the following questions using this template.  All answers need to cover the key points.  In the event that the candidate does not cover all of the key points, further information will need to be sought from the candidate. If you satisfactorily answer each question, your assessor will tick/highlight the satisfactory (S) box.  
For any responses that are not yet satisfactory, your service facilitator will give you written feedback and explain why the particular question or questions were deemed unsatisfactory and arrange an opportunity for re-assessment at a suitable time. 
Do not cheat or plagiarise the work of others.  Anyone caught cheating will automatically be marked Not Yet Competent for this unit.  There are NO EXCEPTIONS to this rule. Remember to reference your work and complete your reference list at the end of the assessment.

Diploma of Justice Studies


Diploma of Leadership and Management Industry


Diploma of Wellness Leadership


Exploring Self-Employment Workshops SEA Program


Expression of Interest SEA Program


Food Safety Supervision Skill Set


Micro Business Skill Set Self- Employment Assistance Program


Provide First Aid


PST Trainer Matrix Internal


Responsible Service of Alcohol


Undertake project work


Workplace Cyber Security Foundations Skill Set


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